TWT 2016 | Technology for Formative Assessment

Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - 11:00am
Duration: 1 Hour 


Karen Spear Ellinwood, PhD, JD, Director, Instructional Development


This TWT workshop will provide an overview of formative assessment techniques, also known as classroom assessment techniques or CATs, and hands-on experience to faculty in using Poll Everywhere and Qualtrics to create formative assessments.

Prep Materials

The Poll Everywhere playlist may help orient you to what Poll Everywhere is, how to use it and how it is being used by  educators at other institution.  The four videos listed below are short tutorials describing what Poll Everywhere is, how it's used to engage students in the classroom, and how to use it on a PC desktop or laptop and on a Mac.

  1. Introducing Poll Everywhere (by Poll Everywhere)
  2. Engagement in the Classroom: Interactive Polling (by SFU Beedie)
  3. Poll Everywhree PowerPoint add-in demonstration (by Microsoft Office)
  4. Presenting PE polls on a Mac w/KeyNote or PowerPoint (by Poll Everywhere)

These and other titles may be viewed in the Poll Everywhere YouTube playlist linked in Related Resources, below.

Devices/Apps Required


Related Resources

Poll Everywhere Playlist