This section of the FID site contains scholarly resources from the peer reviewed literature, books and other publications as well as guides and practical tips for teaching and assessing medical students, based on the literature and generated by the OMSE FID team.
Peer-reviewed Journals
In addition, the list below is of peer reviewed journals that emphasize medical education and academic medicine.
Educational Strategies & Scholarly Publications
Please use the navigation menu at left to view the resources on a variety of educational topics, including Microskills, RIME (Pangaro, 1999) and assessment. In addition, you will find a list of educational strategies with summaries of each on this site.
Teaching Guides for Clinical Settings
While basic science faculty who teach during preclinical years will not be teaching in clinical settings, it may be helpful to understand the use of inquiry for teaching in clinical settings, the roles medical students can play in patient care, and the educational strategies clinical educators use. Below are a few examples of these.
Reflective Teaching Guide for applying the B-D-A reflective approach to teaching, with tips for giving formative feedback
Microskills Card (Issue 2014)
RIME (Reporter-Interpreter-Manager-Educator) Framework (RIME may be a useful framework for CBI to emphasize the roles students are performing in solving a case)
Educational Strategies for clinical educators may be adapted for use in CBI facilitated sessions to identify the kinds of inquiries students in which students should engage.
Related Resources
IHI Open School! IHI Access More Resources CME Feedback Course