The Medical Education Distinction Track is directed by Athena Ganchorre, PhD, Assistant Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine.
Medical Education Distinction Track
"The Medical Education Distinction Track helps students who are interested in pursuing careers in medical education to develop knowledge and experience in both the theory and the practice of education. The program offers students a strong background in education, giving them a head start to teaching during residency. The track’s curriculum includes required core coursework and non-curricular activities, elective coursework or equivalent activities, and a capstone project and presentation in Year 4. Each student in the track is matched with a faculty mentor who will advise the student for all 4 years in the program. Every student will maintain a reflective journal related to his or her experiences in medical education through their 4 years in the program." (COM site)
Resources for Students
The Medical Education Distinction Track requires a schoarly project on some aspect of medical education. Below is quick guide for students and faculty mentors that describes the process of developing the scholarly project.
Related Resources
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