BEFORE the experience: Establish Expectations
Ask the learner to...
Articulate what they know about the medical knowledge relevant to this patient
Read relevant literature
Review the patient record and identify pertinent positives and negatives
Watch a video of an exam technique to prepare for the encounter
DURING the experience: Monitor or Guide Learning
Ask the learner to...
Perform a clinical examination
Interview the patient to obtain pertinent information
Educate the patient concerning their condition or how to administer or manage medication
Observe clinical procedure with the aim of performing the procedure thereafter
AFTER the experience: Debrief or Build on Learning
Ask the student to ...
Present the patient using the department's preferred case presentation style
Reflect on how their anticipated findings compated with findings on examination
Identify next steps in the diagnosis or care of the patient
Explain the reasoning their proposed approach
Offer constructive feedback on their performance to help them identify skills, attitudes or behaviors for improvement
Establish goals for future performance or clerkships