Multi-Media Resources
Listen to "Out Loud" with Rivka Galchen and Jerome Groopman, MD
MedEdPORTALR contains peer reviewed publications and other non-peer reviewed resources. [Brochure describing services]
Browse iCollaborative, a MedEd Portal service available through AAMC containing videos, learning modules and other materials on teaching, practice and more.
Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center - Click to view courses in effective clinical teaching and assessment - April 4-6, 2013 (course brochure).
AMA Resources
AAMC Resources
MedEdPORTAL contains peer reviewed publications and other non-peer reviewed resources. [Brochure describing services]
Browse iCollaborative, a MedEd Portal service available through AAMC containing videos, learning modules and other materials on teaching, practice and more.