Teaching Professionalism

Topic: Teaching Professionalism

Below are four articles that address various approaches to teaching professionalism with an emphasis on the role of medical humanities and reflection in teaching and learning professionalism.

  • Birden H, Glass N, Wilson I, Harrison M, Usherwood T, Nass D. Teaching professionalism in medical education: A Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) systematic review. BEME Guide No. 25. Med Teach. 2013 Jul;35(7):e1252-66; 2013 .

  • Doukas D, McCullough LB, Wear S, Lehmann LS, Nixon LL, Carrese JA, Shapiro JF, Green MJ & Kirch DG. The Challenge of Promoting Professionalism Through Medical Ethics and Humanities Education. Acad Med 2013 Nov;88(11):1624-29; 2013.

  • Brazeau C, Schroeder R, Rovi S, Boyd L. Relationships Between Medical Student Burnout, Empathy, and Professionalism Climate. Acad Med. 2010 Aug;85(10); 2012 (Supplement, RIME: Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Annual Conference November 7-November 10, 2010):S33-S36.

  • Dyrbye L, Harper W, Moutier C, Durning S, Power DV, Massie F, Eacker A, Thomas MR, Satele D, Sloan JA & Shanafelt TD. A Multi-institutional Study Exploring the Impact of Positive Mental Health on Medical Students’ Professionalism in an Era of High Burnout. Acad Med. 2012 Aug; 87(8):1024–1031; 2012.