Tuesday, December 9, 2014 - 9:00am
MDL-3116 (Media lab, third floor COM near lecture halls)
Qualtrics may be used to create and distribute surveys, view and analyze results, and generate reports. SOS workshops on Qualtrics and the SOS guide for Qualtrics introduces staff to the Qualtrics survey tool, including the functions described below.
Learning Objectives
Participants will know or be able to do the following:
Create a survey with at least one of following types of questions:
Multiple choice
Ranking item
Visual analog scale
Text - open-ended question
Distribute the survey to the SOS Group
Respond to others' surveys
Practice Viewing & Analyzing Results and Creating Reports
Devices or Preparation Required
Devices - None
Preparation - Please think about a topic your practice survey will address or questions or items you might include.
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