Donald Schön addressed metacognitive engagement as reflective practice, that is, reflection-in and reflection-on action or performance. Plack & Santasier (2004) expanded this to include reflection-for action, that is to incorporate reflection in self-assessment, evaluation and planning for future teaching or learning experiences. These dimensions of reflective practice (Clouder, 2000) involve a deliberate, critical awareness as individuals and collectives of practitioners.
Metacognitive Engagement in Teaching
Reflection In, On and For...aka BDA
Schön's framework is aligned with the BDA (Before, During, After) framework used in the Clinical Reasoning Course (CRC) at the COM-T as well as for bedside teaching. Reflective educators are metacognitively engaged in planning and implementation of the teaching/learning experience. They reflect on teaching with the aim of improving practice.
Thus, reflective educators might ask themselves:
What are my objectives as an instructor in a specific situation, with a given student and overall?
How can convey or clarify learning objectives for the student?
What are the educational and practice-related demands on the learner?
How can I assist the learner in a strategic ways to meet those demands?
Does the environment or learning situation impose particular constraints that might hinder students from learning?
How can I assist students in recognizing, minimizing or overcoming challenges or constraints?
Which tools would best guide students in learning medical knowledge and clinical skills?
What funds of knowledge (e.g., language, medical knowledge, teaching skills, etc.) do I have that are most relevant to this learning situation and student?
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