Audience Response Software

Audience response software has become more popular and easy to use with large groups of students. There are several applications that enable instructors to obtain responses in real time during lecture or while teaching in clinical settings.

Faculty from UAHS colleges - including the College of Medicine, have access to a professional version of Poll Everywhere. You can use Poll Everywhere to engage students in active learning - whether you are teaching face to face or online.While Zoom has polling capability, it is limited to multiple choice items. For example, Poll Everywhere enables faculty to pose open-ended questions, generate questions for discussion as well as ask a small group or an entire class to develop and prioritize a differential in case-based activities. The tutorial below shows you how to do it!

Additional information from Poll Everywhere below:

Please contact Karen Spear Ellinwood if you have additional questions or would like training in the use of these software.



Stoneking LR, Grall KH, Min A, Dreifuss B & Spear Ellinwood KC. Role of an Audience Response System in Didactic Attendance and Assessment. Journal of Graduate Medical Education: June 2014, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 335-337; 2014.

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