Below are scholarly articles addressing the integration of technology into teaching, how to promote metacognitive or reflective engagment in learning through students' self-directed learning with online tools, and related issues. If you would like assistance in locating articles on a specific topic within the category of teaching with technology, please contact Karen Spear Ellinwood, PhD, Director, Faculty and resident instructional development.
Baker, J.W. (2000). The classroom flip: using web course management tools to become the guide by the side. In Jack, A. (Ed.) Jacksonville, FL, US, Florida Community College at Jacksonville, 2000, (pp. 9 – 17). Selected Papers from the 11th International conference on College Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from (PsycINFO Database Record).
Berrett D. How ‘flipping the classroom can improve the traditional lecture. Chronicle of Higher Education, 58(25), Al 6-Al 8; 2012.
Butt A. Business Education & Accreditation. Vol. 6 Issue 1, p33-43; 2014.
Deslauriers L, Schelew E, Wieman C. Improved learning in a large-enrollment physics class. Science. May 13;332(6031):862-4; 2011.
Ferreri SP, O'Connor SK. Redesign of a large lecture course into a small-group learning course. Am J Pharm Educ. 2013 Feb 12;77(1):13; 2013.
Green DE, McNeeley MF. Practice corner: is radiology education ready for a flipped classroom? Radiographics. 2013 Mar-Apr;33 (2):533-4; 2013.
Kalmey JK. Stop wasting classroom time: embrace the podcast and use the "lecture" to enhance learning. Acad.Med. Aug; 88(8):1054; 2013.
Karasavvidis I. Activity theory as a conceptual framework for understanding teacher approaches to information and communication technologies. Computers & Education, 53(2), 436-444; 2009.
Moravec M, Williams A, Aquilar-Roca N, O'Dowd DK. Learn before lecture: A strategy that improves learning outcomes in a large introductory biology class. CBE Life Sci Educ. Winter;9(4):473-81; 2010.
Pierce R, Fox J. Vodcasts and Active-Learning Exercises in a “Flipped Classroom”. Model of a Renal Pharmacotherapy Module. Am J Pharm Educ. 76(10): 196; 2012.
Pink D. “Think Tank: Flip-thinking - the new buzz word sweeping the US”, The Daily Telegraph; 2010.
Prober CG, Heath C. Lecture halls without lectures--a proposal for medical education. N Engl J Med. 366(18):1657-9. Prober; 2012.
Romrell D, Kidder L & Wood E. The SAMR Model as a Framework for Evaluating mLearning. Online Learning Journal 18(2); 2014.
Web-based Resources
UC-Irvine iMedEd Stanford Med Ed Tech Flipped Learning Global Community Vanderbilt