The modified Kirkpatrick model for program evaluation provides multiple perspectives from which we can measure the quality of any program, including educational programs.
The Kirkpatrick model aims to create robust evaluation, that is, evlaluation that does not rest solely upon one or two data sources or data analysis aimed at a single stakeholder's perspective, or satisfaction but not results.
The questions raised by the Kirkpatrick model in planning an evaluation are below.
Learner satisfaction - What do the program participants' think of program quality?
Learning - What do learners know?
Transfer/Performance (applied knowledge) - What can learners do? How do they apply what they have learned in practical situations?
Results - What is the impact of educational program on participants?
The Kirkpatrick model was expanded to consider "return on investment", that is, the benefit to the institution and its mission.
Return on Investment - What benefits, if any, does the program provide for the academic institution or community it seeks to serve?
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