FID Policies

Faculty Instructional Development Policies

The UA COM faculty instructional development policy requires all faculty who teach and/or assess medical students to participate in educator development activities. Article IV of the Faculty instructional development (FID) policy states:

All faculty teaching in clinical years (3 and 4) shall participate in an orientation to teaching to be conducted in a manner determined by the director(s) of the clerkship, selective, elective or other program in which they teach medical students.

A clerkship co-director may refer any affiliate faculty for instructional development support,

when his or her performance as an educator falls below expectations as indicated by the average score on one or more core items on student, or peer or supervisor evaluations, or when a student has expressed reasonable concern about the faculty member’s teaching and/or assessment skills (FID Policy, Article 5.02). In addition, “[a]ny member of the faculty may submit a request for additional faculty instructional development support” at any time (FID Policy, Article V).

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FID Policy